الجامعـــة الوطنيـــة الخاصـــة

Al-Wataniya Private University

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Identity Struggles and Savage Liberalism: An Intellectual Seminar at the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences in collaboration with the Research and Studies Association and the Arab Writers Union, branches of Hama and Raqqa.

The Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences hosted an intellectual seminar on Monday, May 13, 2024 entitled “The Conflict of Identities and Savage Liberalism” in collaboration with the Association of Research and Studies and the Arab Writers Union branches in Hama and Raqqa, with a Generous attendance from the Al-Wataniya Private University represented by Professor Dr. Ahad Khezam and the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences, Dr. Hayan Hamdan, and a number of faculty members in the college.

Lecturer Mustafa Samoudi, the head of the Arab Writers Union branch in Hama, opened the intellectual seminar, introducing the students to its title and general objectives, while Dr. Ward Kojak, a faculty member at the Faculty of Administration, discussed the concept of identity and its dimensions in the twenty-first century, shedding light on savage liberalism and its economic dimensions represented by capitalism and other related economic trends.

Lecturer Eid Aldrowish, a member of the Arab Writers Union Council, also spoke about the historical roots and intellectual dimensions of the concept of identity, highlighting in his speech the literary and political concepts associated with it, including nationalism and patriotism, distinguishing between them intellectually and practically.

In the same context, Dr. Hussain Hamadeh, a member of the Arab Writers Union, concluded the intellectual seminar by discussing the concepts of Arab and nationalist identities, distinguishing between them and affiliations and intellectual currents in ancient and contemporary societies by conducting a historical survey of identity traits in the Arab region and their impact on peoples.

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