كلية هندسة العمارة والتخطيط العمراني 

الجامعة الوطنية الخاصة 

Faculty of Architectural Engineering

Al-Wataniya Private University

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(Students Of The College of Architecture On An Applied Scientific Visit To Al-Tawafra Heritage Neighborhood In Hama)

” The Advancement Of Practical Reality… A  Goal  And  A Purpose “

In the interest of the Dean of the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Dr. Safwat Ibrahim Pasha, to empower students and raise the level of practical application of theoretical knowledge, the college organized on Mondays and Tuesdays on (30 – 31)/5/2022 a special scientific visit for first-year students within the course “Drawing Skills 2”. To the Al-Tawafra Neighborhood in the Old City of Hama.

The scientific visit came in implementation of a practical lesson entitled “Painting in the Open Air” under the supervision of Dr. Issa Ajoub and a group of members of the technical staff at the Faculty of Architecture (Amna Shehadeh – Imad Tulaimat – Samira Medawar – Jamila Husseino – Mireille Samuel – Reem Al-Ali) who provided valuable guidance and observations. For students, paving the way for them to implement their drawings directly from the ground.

“A New Step Towards Practical Experience”

Under the guidance of the supervising professors, the students of the College of Architecture took various pictures of the various monuments and heritage architectural designs with aesthetic and artistic dimensions in preparation for re-drawing and documenting them accurately and mastery as practical functions applied to the theoretical content.

On the other hand, the scientific trip lasted for two consecutive days, where the first day witnessed two successive visits by students at different times, while the second day was limited to one trip, all under the supervision and organization of a high level from the students of the administrative body of the College of Architecture who were keen on the success of the study process. and training.

It is worth noting that the importance of these scientific visits stems from being a new link in an integrated series of targeted scientific programs held by the College of Architecture to link the practical side with the academic and improve the useful scientific outputs as much as possible.


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Syrian Arab Republic – Hama Government – International Highway (Homs – Hama)

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