كـليـة الـهندســـة 

الجامعة الوطنية الخاصة

Faculty of Engineering

AL-Wataniya Private University

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The Faculty Message

The message of the faculty is pre-determined by the general message of Al-Wataniya Private University WPU that state: “work on the advancement of knowledge and delivering it to their students in order to participate in the development of the community and to build a humane civilization”. And the message of the Faculty of Engineering share the same goal of the university and it state that “work on the advancement of the engineering knowledge and delivering it to their students in order to become successful and highly qualified in their specialty. In addition to advancing the faculty’s curricula and labs to be distinguished on the international level, and offering the most advanced knowledge and expertise to the surrounding community through studies and scientific research”.

Contact us

Tel : +963-33-5033 – Tel :+963-33- 4589094 – Tel :+963-33- 4589095

Tel : +963-33-4589096 – Tel : +963-33-4589097 – FAX :+936-33-4589087


Our Address

Syrian Arab Republic – Hama Government – International Highway (Homs – Hama)

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