الجامعـــة الوطنيـــة الخاصـــة

Al-Wataniya Private University

WPU Journal

آخر الأخبار

Student Activities Directorate

 Main tasks :

1- Preparing and setting the annual and quarterly plan for student sports and cultural activities and presenting it to the University Council .

2- Working to create the appropriate atmosphere for students to carry out social , cultural , sports and artistic activities by organizing scientific and informative student trips and holding seminars and cultural and social celebrations .

3- Helping students to form college sports teams and participate in tournaments and matches .

4- Supervising the provision of stadiums and services for the Games .

5- Attention to the development of artistic talents of students .

6- Executing all additional work assigned to him by the administration.

Contact us

Tel : +963-33-5033 – Tel :+963-33- 4589094 – Tel :+963-33- 4589095

Tel : +963-33-4589096 – Tel : +963-33-4589097 – FAX :+936-33-4589087


Our Address

Syrian Arab Republic – Hama Government – International Highway (Homs – Hama)