Scientific lecture by Dr.Raghda Lahdo – Fourth Pharmaceutical Scientific Conference-
Conference title:
Fourth Pharmaceutical Scientific Conference
Date :
5-6 OCT 2023
Dr.Raghda Lahdo.
Lecture title:
The effect of hemodialysis on the levels of some minerals in patients diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Abstract :
In her lecture, she defined Chronic Kidney Disease, its causes, classifications, and treatment. Then, she explained the materials and methods used in the study, where magnesium, zinc, and copper were measured using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer in serum of a group of patients before and after a hemodialysis session and in a group of healthy people. The results showed the effectiveness of hemodialysis in reducing magnesium levels and raising zinc levels in the patients’ serum, while for copper, hemodialysis was not successful in reducing copper levels due to the possibility of contamination of the dialysis fluid used with copper. Accordingly, the recommendations of the study were to direct doctors to monitor the concentrations of the studied minerals in patients on a regular basis in order to prevent the exacerbation of Chronic kidney disease or the emergence of other diseases that pose a threat to their lives as a result of the depletion or accumulation of these minerals, especially Cu and Mg, according to the results of this study. and it is necessary to pay attention to selecting the optimal conditions for the dialysis process to increase its efficiency by adjusting the concentrations of metals in the dialysis fluid used, in a manner consistent with correcting their serum concentrations in patients, especially Cu.
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