الجامعـــة الوطنيـــة الخاصـــة

Al-Wataniya Private University

آخر الأخبار

Scientific Agreement between Al-Wataniya Private University and St. Alberts University in India

The Agreement was  signed between Al-Wataniya Private University in Hama Governorate in Syria, represented by the University President , Prof.Dr. Ahed Khuzam , and St. Alberts State University in India , represented by the University President, Prof. Dr. Antony Vako Arakal , on 1/6/2021 for a year , automatically renewed for a similar period .

The Scientific Agreement aims to exchange short visits between representatives of the two universities and members of the teaching and administrative staff with the aim of training, exchanging information and experiences, giving lectures , participating in various academic activities, exchanging students at all levels for scientific qualification and training, benefiting from equipment and laboratories , exchanging all books, research journals , university references and scientific publications , and benefiting from  public and electronic libraries .

Contact us

Tel : +963-33-5033 – Tel :+963-33- 4589094 – Tel :+963-33- 4589095

Tel : +963-33-4589096 – Tel : +963-33-4589097 – FAX :+936-33-4589087


Our Address

Syrian Arab Republic – Hama Government – International Highway (Homs – Hama)

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