الجـامـعـة الوطـنيـة الخاصـة

A-Wataniya Private University

Active Participation and Promising Scientific Steps For Al-Wataniya Private University in the General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities in its Fifty-fifth Session

The fifty-fifth conference of the Association of Arab Universities was concluded in Tunisia under the auspices of Dr. Amr Ezzat Salama, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, and in the presence of more than 200 university presidents and a number of higher education and scientific research officials.

Al-Wataniya Private University was represented by Prof.Dr. Ahed Khuzam, President of Al-Watanyia Private University, member of the Board of Directors of the Arab Council for Sustainable Development of the Association of Arab Universities, which is the second participation of Al-Wataniya Private University after its participation last year in the activities of the fifty-fourth conference, which was held in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

The conference, hosted by the Tunisian Universities of “Monastir” and “Sousse”, which extended from March 18 to 20, aims to standardize education and training standards, and facilitate special procedures for the recognition and equivalence of university degrees, which is reflected in the facilitation of mobility and academic exchange for teachers, students and administrators between universities members.

The Tunisian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Moncef Bukatheer, had earlier inaugurated the activities of the conference, representing the Tunisian Prime Minister Naglaa Boden, in the presence of the Egyptian Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Ayman Ashour, and Dr. Sari Hamdan, President of Al-Ahliyya Amman University, who handed over the flag of the fifty-fifth conference to Dr. Lotfi Belkacem and Dr. Al-Hadi Belhaj Salih is the president of the Universities of Sousse and Monastir.

The conference included the following themes:

  • Speeches by the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, presidents of host universities, and the representative of the League of Arab States.
  • Forming sub-committees and distributing the conference agenda to the committees
  • Holding a number of sessions to discuss topics such as digital transformation in higher education, the role of students in university governance… and other topics that contribute to the development of the educational process and scientific research in Arab universities.
  • Discussing the items referred to the conference and approving the recommendations
  • Signing memorandums of understanding between Arab universities in the union to establish scientific cooperation.

It is worth noting that Al-Wataniya Private University joined the Association of Arab Universities in 2020 as an active member

 In the year 2022, the General Conference of the Association of Arab Universities decided in its fifty-fourth session, which was held at Al-Ahliyya Amman University in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period (27-28 / March / 2022) to choose Prof. Dr. Ahed Khuzam, President of Al-Wataniya Private University, as a member of  the Board of Directors of the Arab Council for Sustainable Development of the Association of Arab Universities located in the Amman Arab University.

 Based on the foregoing, Al-Wataniya Private University will sign memorandums of understanding and scientific cooperation agreements with universities that are members of the Association of Arab Universities according to the form approved by the Higher Education Council to sign these memorandums and agreements after the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Syria, and among these universities (Sousse and Monastir in Tunisia  , Al-Ahliyya Amman University in Jordan, Al-Ain and the American University in the United Arab Emirates … and other Arab universities that are members of the Association of Arab Universities), which include the following items:

  • Carrying out joint research projects (such as the Erasmus project)
  • Exchange of information, publications and periodicals
  • Encouraging joint supervision of master’s and doctoral programs and exchanging supervision of students in these two stages.
  • Organizing conferences and seminars that focus on the latest scientific developments
  • Encouraging cultural and sports meetings
  • Making student exchange visits

This conference comes as an important step in the framework of Al-Wataniya Private University’s endeavor to strengthen scientific relations and partnerships with Arab and international universities to benefit from mutual experiences and raise the educational and scientific level of cadres and students and upgrade them for the better.


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  –  Al- Wataniya Private University  –2022-

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