الجـامـعـة الوطـنيـة الخاصـة

A-Wataniya Private University

A Qualitative Scientific Research Paper Has Been Published by The Researcher Mr. Hasan Aljasem With The Graduate Student Leen Kattash From The Faculty of Dentistry and Other Researchers ,in The Teikyo Medical Journal, Which is Accredited by Scopus

The distinguished scientific research prepared by (Researcher Mr. Hasan Aljasem and graduate Leen Kattash from the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Wataniya  Private University, Prof. Dr. Jihad Abou Nassar from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Damascus, student Nour Aldeen Abdul Azim Alasad  from the Arab Private University for Science and Technology) ,that titled “In Vitro Comparative Study of the Effect of Type of Temporary Crown and Polishing Agents on Color Stability of Provisional Restorations”, was published on October 7th, 2022 in Teikyo Medical Journal, which is a peer-reviewed and accredited scientific journal by  Scopus .

The scientific research was conducted based on the premise that achieving color stability for temporary restorative materials is a complex process and a fundamental requirement in the context of restorative treatment. Therefore, the aim of the research was to study the effect of the type of provisional compensation material and polishing material on the color stability of compensation provisional to determine which temporary compensation and polishing materials studied are best and have the greatest color stability.

It is worth mentioning that the presented scientific research is characterized by quality and diversity, and meets the profession’s need for more advanced academic studies and research. Mr. Hasan Aljasem   is  considered one of its pioneers, having presented numerous scientific research in his field and adopting it as a primary approach to achieving progress and development in the educational and teaching process at Al-Wataniya Private University.

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  –  Al- Wataniya Private University  –2022-

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