A-Wataniya Private University


WPU Journal

The Fourth Scientific Week in Dental Sciences  A Quick Step towards Renewal and Continuity   Collaborative Work .. Is Based On Continuity

Al-Wataniya Private University in Hama held the Fourth Scientific Week in Dental Sciences yesterday,on  3/12/2022 until 6 December 2022, in the context of continuing the series of scientific and professional achievements and a fruitful outcome of sustainable strategic partnerships with prestigious scientific bodies (Ruba Almemaar  Company for  Medical  Instruments and the swiss  dental implants company iml and the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Ulster) are fully prepared to extract the purest modern and advanced scientific experiences and expertise and put them within the reach of students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Wataniya Private University.

“We continue this year with strength to strengthen our steps towards work and renew our commitment to goals and dreams.”

The presenter of the ceremony, Ms. Ghaitha Nayouf, inaugurated the Fourth Scientific Week in Dental Sciences under the generous patronage of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof.Dr.Bassam Bashir Ibrahim, and the sponsorship of the success partners who persevered hand in hand with Al-Wataniya Private University, represented by its president, Prof.Dr. Ahed Khuzam, to achieve common goals and visions, which  It provides for the maximum benefit from the development of science and knowledge and putting it into practice and actual implementation by students and practicing physicians and providing them with the latest findings of science in terms of scientific research and practical skills capable of raising their scientific level and advancing it to higher levels.

Prof.Dr. Ahed Khuzam delivered the speech of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research on his behalf, explaining the interest and keenness of the Ministry to follow up on all activities in various aspects of higher education and the importance of scientific research and its application in all Syrian universities and Al-Wataniya Private University, and the need for it to continue to hold such scientific events for its role  important in achieving scientific progress and achieving the principle of intellectual and scientific mixing,Prof. Ahed Khuzam also welcomed the honorable presence of science and development partners and important scientific and educational figures, thanking a number of Arab universities, members of the Association of Arab Universities, for their participation and follow-up to the event through live broadcast technology, and all those responsible for the success of the event, including doctors, lecturers, and representatives of capable scientific bodies, and educational, administrative and technical cadres.

A Scientific and Knowledge Momentum That Never Runs Out

 The topics of the scientific lectures presented during the course of the program of the first day of the fourth scientific week in dental sciences varied, where Dr. Muhammad Adel Mahairi gave a scientific lecture entitled “Digital Radiology in Dentistry – More Accurate Diagnosis and Promising Treatments -” in which he talked about the advantages of the digital radiograph and the most prominent  common problems have a high material cost and its unavailability in many regions, in addition to reviewing many different cases of two- and three-dimensional digital radiographs, determining the cause, the main need, and the best time to use them in diagnosing the disease.

Dr. Mohamed Shaker, in turn, gave a scientific lecture entitled “Superior Prosthodontics Supported by Roots or Dental Implants”, which focused on the importance of tissue compression, the type of support available for compensation in a pathological condition, and the most important requirements for the success of the mobile prosthesis such as stability, support and stability, as well as the comparison between the quality of traditional prosthesis and supra-prosthesis.  His lecture by talking about the optimal distribution of dental implants in the case of using moving prostheses.

Within the framework of providing an advanced and integrated scientific and cognitive unit for students of the Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Wataniya Private University attracted Prof. Andrea Francesco Palermo – Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in Birmingham (UK) – who delivered a scientific lecture in dentistry under the title “Immediate Loading From   Single Tooth to  Full Arch” where he started the beginning with a short introductory film about his city of Modena and then moved on to talk about the stages of the dental implant process and the surgical techniques used in the implantation process and its clinical advantages.  A way to enhance students’ ability to catch up with modern sciences and benefit from them as much as possible.

Practical Application.. Is A Main Purpose And Goal

 In this context, Dr. Tarek Abou  Agwa, Dean of the College of Dentistry, expressed his full gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of Al-Wataniya Private University in the hard and continuous work to provide the best capabilities and efforts in the context of building a scientific generation with a high level of competence and distinction and qualified scientifically and professionally to enter the labor market armed with its knowledge and experience.

Regarding the goal of the College of Dentistry to hold the activities of the Scientific Week in Dental Sciences for the fourth time in a row, Dr. Tariq Abou  Agwa explained: “This scientific week is the result of a long-term effort, and our main goal is to raise the scientific level of students, enhance their practical side, and link them to the most important developments and updates  Science in the field of dentistry, as this constitutes a major challenge in the race of science and development that we live in today.

As for moving to the practical training conditional on experience and hard work, Dr. Muhammad Adel Mahairi and Dr. Imad Brangikji supervised a valuable training session on cbct radiographs, in which they dealt with several axes, including the comparison between ct images and cbct images, the advantages of each of them, and the need to distinguish the need to use each of them in cases  diagnostic, presenting the most important points that the student should pay attention to in the process of digital radiography.

In conjunction with that, Dr. Hossam Al-Orabi, General Manager of Ruba Almemaar Company, carried out a dental implantation operation in the clinic building at Al-Wataniya Private University, in the presence of a number of students, explaining to them how to deal with dental implants and complete the process to the fullest in the context of involving them in the practical and applied side of the profession.

Continuous Scientific Weeks towards Completion

Abdulkarim Al-Nasaan, President of the National Union of Syrian Students at Al-Wataniya Private University, praised the great efforts made by the university in order to hold the activities of scientific weeks in dental sciences, “because it carries with it a great deal of science, knowledge, energies, and experiences. Its main goal is to graduate students who are able to practice work and profession.”  With passion and desire, “supporting the students’ insistence on learning more sciences and their interest in strengthening their practical experiences that will lead them to their professional future in a decent manner.

Within the framework of Al-Wataniya Private University’s appreciation for the efforts of its partners and the distinguished scientific presence, Prof. Dr. Ahed Khuzam, President of Al-Wataniya Private University, Mr. Samir Al-Barazi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Al-Wataniya Private Company for Science and Development, and Dr. Omar Al-Sabbagh, Executive Director of Ruba Almemaar Company for Medical Instruments , presented appreciation and honorary shields to all shareholders and lecturers.  Those responsible for the success of the scientific event and taking it towards the peaks of success and creativity.

In conclusion, Al-Wataniya Private University continues to hold the Fourth Scientific Week in Dental Sciences over four continuous days in which minds and experiences unite to provide the best sciences and knowledge to its students to take them to the path of progress and development.

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  –  Al- Wataniya Private University  –2022-

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