A-Wataniya Private University


WPU Journal

Together We Search for Knowledge

The Slogan of The Fourteenth Scientific Research Competition for Students of Dental Faculties Hosted by Al-Wataniya Private University

Minds raced to acquire all that is new with advanced science… They came to tell us that with science we build, rise and be stronger, and with our knowledge we create an example of pride to follow over time.

Al-Wataniya Private University hosted the Fourteenth Scientific Research Competition for students of dental faculties from various Syrian universities on Wednesday 18/1/2023, under the auspices of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, that Prof.Dr.Ahed Khuzam, President of Al-Wataniya Private University, inaugurated the Scientific Research Competition in the presence of distinguished scientific bodies, stressing the importance of scientific research and the importance of acquainting with advanced sciences in the field of dentistry, and the need for students to strive always and forever to embody the basic motives for success and excellence in their knowledge, which increase the knowledge of Al-Wataniya students  and their professional advancement on the ground.

The Fourteenth Scientific Research Competition began with the participation of several Syrian public and private universities (Hama University, Al-Rashid University, Al-Shahbaa Private University, Cordoba Private University, Al-Wataniya Private University) under the supervision of the competition coordinator, Dr. Imad Branjikji, who emphasized the importance of these competitions as they raise the value of  Students’ scientific research ,and it proves that the practical and applied sciences are based on them greatly, in addition to the actual need for such dental science events that increase the student’s experience in research and investigation of everything new and prominent in dental sciences.

As for the conduct of the Competition, the students participated in ten different scientific researches in the field of dentistry, which were subject to arbitration and scientific evaluation according to accurate research principles and standards by a capable arbitration committee consisting of (Prof. Dr. Arwa Khair, Prof. Dr. Khaldoun Muhammad Atef Darwish, Dr. Essam Jamous, Dr. Fadi  Al-Joda), which culminated in the conclusion of the student Fatima Shikshok from Cordoba Private University  for the first place by preparing a distinguished scientific research entitled: Knowledge , Attitude , and Practice of Syrian Dentists towards Cone-Beam Computed Tomography ( CBCT).

Under the supervision of Dr. Bakr Haddad, which in essence dealt with a study of knowledge, attitude, and practice of Syrian dentists towards cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), according to an accurate scientific approach that came in the form of a questionnaire to know the use of CBCT among Syrian doctors.

Which witnessed an accurate description of research factors and variables, linking them to scientific standards and analyzing them systematically, all of which resulted in presenting the research in an innovative, non-traditional way, obtaining accurate research and survey results, and developmental scientific proposals that are applicable on the ground.

While the researcher Sarah Roubah  and the researcher Yasser Al-Halaby from Al-Wataniya Private University ranked second for presenting a valuable scientific research entitled (Detecting the relationship between enamel and dentin radiographic density and dental caries using cone beam CT).

While the student, Mayas Mobaid, and her supervising Prof.Dr. Hamza Abbas, from Al-Shahbaa Private University, won the third place for her scientific research participation under the title (Evaluation of Shear Bond Strength Between Gingival Shade Composite Resin and Denture Base Acrylic Resin After Different Type of Surface Modifications), through which the researcher explained the types of physical bonding  chemical, mechanical, and the most prominent materials and methods used in the stages of clinical research and the application of the bonding of the composite resin with acrylate bases in different forms and methods, as the evaluation of the quality of the research reached its master’s degree in terms of accuracy, drawing conclusions, and communicating information in an easy and understandable way for students.

In his turn, Dr. Tarek Abou Agwa, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Al-Wataniya Private University, spoke about the importance of hosting the scientific research competition, as it is a means and a real opportunity that students must seize to focus on the most important information and techniques extracted from modern scientific research and experiments, which in turn transform the student from a mere theoretical recipient into a real researcher and owner.  An actual and real experience through his actual use of all that he went through during his university studies of theoretical visions and ideas and merging them with the new developed to be able in the future to engage in practice in dental clinics and refine his experiences in a real way.

The researchers continued to present and discuss their scientific research before the jury, introducing themselves to the foundations, approaches and methods of scientific research, paving the way for their fellow students to engage in the scientific research process as it is the first building block for the distinguished student who is able to apply his science practically and benefit his society among his development proposals.

 Therefore, the academic scientific research titles presented in the fourteenth scientific research competition for students of dental faculties in Syrian universities varied according to the following order:

A qualitative step towards the application of various sciences and knowledge is taken by Al-Wataniya Private University by hosting scientific events that are characterized by quality, diversity and comprehensiveness, through which it seeks to develop students’ skills and provide them with the latest scientific developments, making the dissemination of scientific research among their ranks a goal, an end, and a duty that raises their knowledge and enhances their step towards their professional future.

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  –  Al- Wataniya Private University  –2022-

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